OJD Exclusion Area boundaries finalised

05 Jun 2012

Please note - This news release has now been archived and may contain outdated information.

New boundaries of the NSW Exclusion Area for Ovine Jones Disease (OJD) have been finalised following feedback from sheep producers.

“The OJD Exclusion Area in NSW has been reduced in size – with producers in the Condobolin, Hay, Coonamble, Nyngan, and the North West OJD Exclusion Areas officially switching to being a low prevalence area,” said Rob Barwell, Veterinary Officer with NSW Department of Primary Industries.

“These changes follow surveys of sheep producers in each of the Exclusion Areas where producers decided whether their area would continue to operate as an Exclusion Area.”

Sheep producers in the areas that have changed from Exclusion Area status:

  • Cannot trade sheep freely into Queensland without first having an extra ABC point from testing, vaccinating or being in SheepMAP.
  • Need to look at the entry requirements for the remaining NSW Exclusion Areas if they are planning on selling sheep there.
  • No longer have to notify the local LHPA of sheep introductions.

The NSW Exclusion Area now comprises the following Livestock Health and Pest Authorities:

  • Western LHPA
  • Darling LHPA
  • New England LHPA, and
  • the old Coonabarabran Board part of the Central North LHPA.

Ovine Johne’s Disease is a serious production-limiting wasting disease. Flock deaths can be up to10 per cent per year if the disease is left uncontrolled. Vaccination and other control measures are expensive alternatives to preventing the introduction of disease in the first place.

Mr Barwell said sheep producers are still able to manage their risk of introducing OJD by practising good biosecurity, including insisting on a Sheep Health Statement to allow assessment of any introduced sheep, or participating in the SheepMAP program.

“Sheep Health Statements tell buyers how many ABC points sheep have – and are a guide to the risk of introducing OJD onto your property.”

Producers in all OJD low prevalence areas, both Exclusion Area and non Exclusion Area, will shortly have the opportunity to consider whether they want their area to be a Protected Area for OJD and should register their views with the NSW Farmers' Association or other industry body representative.


Media contact: Phil Bevan 0429 458 053