DPI scientist co-edits world durum wheat reference

20 Sep 2012

Please note - This news release has now been archived and may contain outdated information.

Tamworth-based research scientist with the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Dr Mike Sissons has seen the culmination of four years of work with the publication of the latest edition of a book which will be the new bible of durum wheat chemistry and technology across the world.

The book, Durum Wheat: Chemistry and Technology, published by AACC International, an association of international wheat chemists, is available for order now on the internet.

Dr Sissons, a senior research scientist with DPI at the Tamworth Agricultural Institute and adjunct associate professor with the University of New England, was selected as editor of the new edition when he attended an AACC International annual conference in 2006, where he noted that the first edition published in 1988 needed updating.

“I got the job, which entailed co-editing with three other world experts on durum wheat and commissioning 46 contributors to produce articles,” Dr Sissons said.

“As principal editor it was a hard task, but the other three editors were all from the main durum wheat producing nations of Italy, France and Canada and could enlist the best scientists from their countries to contribute.

“This issue has 14 chapters with 48 author contributions and is a major update of the first edition published in 1988.”

It has new chapters on agronomy, functional food pasta, detailed information about alternative uses of durum wheat other than pasta and grain safety information.

This book has less emphasis on a country by country approach found in the first edition.

Dr Sissons also contributed to three of the chapters in what was his first major editing task alongside publishing a number of scientific papers on durum wheat chemistry and technology.

The book is aimed at a wide range of wheat specialists and users such as plant breeders who are involved with the technology of producing wheat, food scientists, science teachers, and industry operators involved in marketing, trading, milling grain and preparing pasta and other durum derived products.

AACC International describes the book as ‘the most extensive and comprehensive reference on durum wheat chemistry and technology ever available’.

“This ambitious update to the first edition covers more diverse and interesting topics in a new expanded format,” AACC says. Details of the book can be found at http://www.aaccnet.org/publications/store/Pages/27656.aspx.



Media contact: Howard Spencer 02 66568825 or 0428 696672