Scientific peer-reviewed outputs

NSW Department of Primary Industries scientists have an international reputation for their research. The following is a list of peer-reviewed research papers released in 2012 of which NSW DPI scientists were a co-author. NSW DPI staff are in bold.

Previous years publications are available below.

You can link to staff profiles for more author information where available.

2012 Peer-reviewed scientific outputs

  • Baumgartner, L.J., Bettanin, M., McPherson, J., Jones, M., Zampatti, B., and Beyer, K., 2012. Influence of turbidity and passage rate on the efficiency of an infrared counter to enumerate and measure riverine fish. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 28, 531-536. Available online.
  • Baumgartner, L.J., Boys, C. (2012) Reducing the perversion of diversion: applying world-standard fish screening practices to the Murray-Darling Basin. Ecological Management & Restoration 2012. 13: 2, 135-143.
  • Belaganahalli MN, Maan S, Maan NS, Nomikou K, Pritchard I, Lunt R, Kirkland PD, Attoui H, Brownlie J and Mertens PPC. (2012) “Full genome sequencing and genetic characterization of Eubenangee viruses identify Pata virus as a distinct species within the genus Orbivirus”. PLoS ONE. 7:3, e31911.
  • Bengsen A.J., Butler J.A., Masters P., (2012) Applying home-range and landscape-use data to design effective feral-cat control programs. Wildlife Research. 39(3):258-265.
  • Besier RB and Love S (2012) Guest Editorial: Advising on helminth control in sheep: It’s the way we tell them. The Veterinary Journal 193 (2012) 2–3.
  • Bhatti S.A., Ali A., Nawaz H., McGill D., Sarwar M., Afzal M., Khan M.S., Ehsanullah., Amer M.A., Bush R., Wynn P.C., Warriach H.M., (2012) Effect of pre-weaning feeding regimens on post-weaning growth performance of Sahiwal calves. animal 6(8):1231-1236.
  • Bi, H., Fox, J., Li, Y., Lei, Y., Pang, Y. (2012) Evaluation of nonlinear equations for predicting diameter from tree height. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42:789-806.
  • Black R.R., Meyer C.P., Yates A., Van Zwieten L., Chittim B.G., Gaus C., (2012) Release of native and mass labelled PCDD/PCDF from soil heated to simulate bushfires. Environmental Pollution. 166:10-16.
  • Bogema, D.R., Deutscher, A.T., Seymour, L.M., Raymond, B.A., Tacchi, J.L., Padula, M.P., Dixon, N.E., Minion, F.C., Jenkins, C., Walker, M.J., Djordjevic, S.P. (2012) Characterization of cleavage events in the multifunctional cilium adhesin Mhp684 (P146) reveals a novel mechanism by which Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae regulates surface topography. mBio 3 pii: e00282-11.
  • Booth, M.A., Allan, G.L., Anderson, A.J., (2012). Influence of poultry meal, meat meal or soybean meal inclusion on weight gain and production characteristics of Australian snapper Pagrus auratus. Aquacult. Int., 20, 99-115.
  • Boys, C.A., Rowland, S.J., Gabor, M., Gabor, L., Marsh, I.B., Hum, S., Callinan, R.B. (2012) Emergence of epizootic ulcerative syndrome in native fish of the Murray-Darling River System, Australia: hosts, distribution and possible vectors. PLoS ONE; 2012. 7: 4, e35568.
  • Boys, C.A., Kroon, F.J., Glasby, T.M., and Wilkinson, K., (2012) Improved fish and crustacean passage in tidal creeks following floodgate remediation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49: 223-233.
  • Boys, C., Baumgartner, L., Rampano, B., Robinson, W., Alexander, T., Roswell, M., Fowler, T., and Lowry, M., (2012) Development of fish screening criteria for water diversions in the Murray-Darling Basin. 134, ISSN 1837-2112.
  • Broadhurst, M.K., Butcher, P.A., Hall, K.C., Cullis, B.R. and McGrath, S.P., (2012) Resilience of inshore, juvenile snapper Pagrus auratus to angling and release. Journal of Fish Biology, 80: 638–650.
  • Broadhurst, M.K., Sterling, D.J., and Millar, R.B. (2012) Short vs long penaeid trawls: effects of side taper on engineering and catching performances. Fisheries Research 134-136: 73-81.
  • Philippa Brock, Patrick Madden, Graeme Schwenke, and David Herridge (2012) Greenhouse gas emissions profile for 1 tonne of wheat produced in Central Zone (East) New South Wales: a life cycle assessment approach. Crop & Pasture Science 63, 319–329.
  • Broster J.C., Rathbone D.P., Robertson S.M., King B.J., Friend M.A. (2012) Ewe movement and ewe-lamb contact levels in shelter are greater at higher stocking rates. Animal Production Science. 52(6-7):502-506.
  • Brown D.J., Savage D.B., Hinch G.N., Semple S.J., (2012) Mob-based walk-over weights: similar to the average of individual static weights? Animal Production Science 52(6-7):613-618.
  • Bryant B, Blyde D, Eamens G and Whittington R (2012) Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis cultured from the feces of a southern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor) with diarrhea and weight loss. Journal of Zoo & Wildlife Medicine. 43(2):391-393.
  • Bush R.D., Barnett R.,  Links I.J.,  Windsor P.A., (2012) Using abattoir surveillance and producer surveys to investigate the prevalence and current preventative management of Caseous lymphadenitis in Merino flocks in Australia. Animal Production Science. 52(6-7):675-679.
  • Butcher, P.A., Leland, J.C., Broadhurst, M.K., Paterson, B.D., and Mayer, D.G., (2012). Giant mud crab (Scylla serrata): relative efficiencies of common baited traps and impacts on discards. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69(8): 1511-1522.
  • Butcher, P.A., Broadhurst, M.K., Hall, K.C., Cullis, B.R., and Raidal, S.R., (2012). Assessing barotraumas among angled snapper (Pagrus auratus) and the utility of release methods. Fisheries Research 127-128, 49-55.
  • Butler, G.L. and Wooden, I.J. (2012) Dietary habits of a large, long-lived endangered Australian percichthyid, the eastern freshwater cod, Maccullochella ikei. Endangered Species Research, 16: 199–209. [available online: doi: 10.3354/esr00406]
  • Cameron, L., Baumgartner, L.J., Bucher, D.B. and Robinson, W. (2012). Critical Thermal Minima of age-0 Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata, fingerlings: implications for stocking programs. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 19, 344-351.
  • Cameron, L. and Baumgartner, L.J. (2012). Assessment of Australian bass re-stocking in the Snowy River. Report of the NSW Fisheries Final Report Series, NSW Fisheries, Grafton.
  • Carnegie A.J., Lidbetter J.R. (2012) Rapidly expanding host range for Puccinia psidii sensu lato in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology. 41(1):13:29. DOI: 10.1007/s13313-011-0082-6
  • Chen Y.,  Arthur P.F., Herd R.M., Quinn K., Barchia I.M., (2012) Using genes differentially expressed in bulls to classify steers divergently selected for high and low residual feed intake. Animal Production Science. 52(6-7):608-612.
  • Clayton, E.H., Gulliver, C.E., Piltz, J.W., Taylor, R.D., Blake, R.J., Meyer, R.G., (2012) Improved extraction of saturated fatty acids but not omega-3 fatty acids from sheep red blood cells using a one-step extraction procedure. Lipids 47:7, 719-727.
  • Collins A., Gonsalves J., Fell S., Barchia I. (2012) “Comparison of a commercial ELISA with an indirect fluorescent antibody test to detect antibodies to Lawsonia intracellularis in experimentally challenged pigs”. Australian Veterinary Journal. 90(3): 97-99.
  • Cowie A., Eckard R., Eady S., (2012) Greenhouse gas accounting for inventory, emissions trading and life cycle assessment in the land-based sector: a review [Review]. Crop & Pasture Science. 63(3 Special Issue SI):284-296.
  • Cowie A., Eckard R., Eady S., (2012) Greenhouse gas accounting for inventory, emissions trading and life cycle assessment in the land-based sector: a review [Review]. Crop & Pasture Science. 63(3 Special Issue SI):284-296.
  • Cowie AL, Downie AE, George BH, Singh B-P, Van Zwieten L, O'Connell D (2012) Is sustainability certification for biochar the answer to environmental risks? Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira vol.47, n.5, pp. 637-648. ISSN 0100-204X.
  • Cowley, R.B., Ash, G.J., Harper, J.D.I., & Luckett, D.J. (2012) Evaluation of resistance to Phomopsis stem blight (caused by Diaporthe toxica) in Lupinus albus. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 133(3):631-644.
  • Cowley, R.B., Ash, G.J., Harper, J.D.I., Smith, A.B., Cullis, B.R., Luckett, D.J. (2012) Application of multi-phase experiments in plant pathology to identify genetic resistance to Diaporthe toxica in Lupinus albus. Euphytica 186: 3, 655-669.
  • Cowley, R.B., Luckett, D.J., Harper, J.D.I., and Ash, G.J. (2012) Development of a reliable and rapid detached leaf assay for Lupinus albus to detect resistance to the fungal disease Phomopsis leaf blight, caused by Diaporthe toxica. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 34, 401-409.
  • Daniells, I.G. (2012) Hardsetting soils: a review. Soil Research 50:5, 349-356.
  • Deutscher AT, Tacchi JL, Minion FC, Padula MP, Crossett B, Bogema DR, Jenkins C, Kuit TA, Walker MJ and Djordjevic, SP. (2012) Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Surface proteins Mhp385 and Mhp384 bind host cilia and glycosaminoglycans and are endoproteolytically processed by proteases that recognize different cleavage motifs. Journal of Proteome Research. 11(3):1924-36.
  • Doege, B., Turbill, C. and Law, B. (2012) The interaction between logging and predation risk for the eastern pygmy possum. Camera Trapping Colloquium, Taronga Zoo.
  • Dominiak BC. (2012) Review of Dispersal, Survival, and Establishment of Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae) for Quarantine Purposes [Review]. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 105(3):434-446.
  • Dominiak B.C., Daniels D. (2012) Review of the past and present distribution of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) and Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni Froggatt) in Australia [Review]. Australian Journal of Entomology. 51(Part 2):104-115.
  • Donald, M.R., Strickland, C., Alston, C.L., Young, R., Mengersen, K.L., (2012) Comparison of Three-Dimensional Profiles over Time. Journal of Applied Statistics. Vol. 39 (7-8). p 1455-74.
  • Donoghue, K. A., Herd, R. M., Arthur, P. F., Bird, S. H. & Hegarty, R. F. (2012). Genetic technologies to reduce methane emissions from Australian beef cattle. In CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, VIC. 27-29 November 2012, 1 page.
  • Dove MC, O'Connor WA (2012) Reproductive cycle of Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea glomerata (Gould 1850) selectively bred for faster growth. Aquaculture. 324-325:218-225.
  • Dove, M.C., Nell, J.A., O’Connor, W.A. (2012) Evaluation of the progeny of the forth-generation Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata (Gould 1850) breeding lines for resistance to QX disease (Martelia sydneyi) and winter mortality (Bonamia roughleyi). Aquaculture Res.
  • Downie, AE, Munroe P., Cowie, A., Van Zwieten, L., Lau, D. (2012) Biochar as a Geo-engineering Climate Solution: Hazard Identification and Risk Management. Critical Reviews of Environmental Science and Technology, 42(3): 225-250.
  • Dunn B.W., Dunn T.S., (2012) Influence of Soil Type on Severity of Straighthead in Rice. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis. 43(12):1705-1719.
  • Eamens G.J., Gonsalves J.R., Whittington A.M., Turner B., (2012) Evaluation of serovar-independent ELISA antigens of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in pigs, following experimental challenge with A. pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida. Australian Veterinary Journal. 90(6):225-234.
  • Evans J., Jo J.N., Conyers M., Mun Y.G., Eberbach P., Paek S.S., Ri Y.J., Ko S.C.T., Orchard B., Ryang Y.N., Jong D.Y., Kim T.R., Wolfe E.C. (2012) Improving Sustainable Production of Maize on Upland Soils of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 36(4):404-422.
  • Fleming P.J.S., Allen B.L., Ballard G. (2012). Seven considerations about dingoes as biodiversity engineers: the socio-ecological niches of dogs in Australia. Australian Mammalogy 34 (1), pp. 119–131.
  • Fogarty N.M., Mulholland J.G. (2012) Growth and carcass characteristics of crossbred lambs in various production systems. Animal Production Science. 52(5):373-381.
  • Ford-Thompson A.E.S., Snell C., Saunders G., White P.C.L. (2012) Stakeholder Participation in Management of Invasive Vertebrates. Conservation Biology. 26(2):345-356.
  • Frost M.J., Zhang Jing, Edmonds J.H., Prow N.A., Gu XingNian, Davis R., Hornitzky C., Arzey K.E., Finlaison D., Hick P., Read A., Hobson-Peters J., May F.J., Doggett S.L., Haniotis J., Russell R.C., Hall R.A., Khromykh A.A. and Kirkland PD. (2012). Characterization of virulent West Nile virus Kunjin strain, Australia, 2011. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 18: 5, 792-800.
  • Gabb S., Hatcher S., Eppleston J., Watt B., Thornberry K.J., (2012) Managing the weaning transition of Merino lambs by promoting positive growth rates and increasing survival - is yard weaning a viable option?. Animal Production Science. 52(6-7):516-523.
  • Gaynor L.G., Lawn R.J., and James A.T. (2012) Agronomic studies on irrigated soybean in southern New South Wales. I. Phenological adaptation of genotypes to sowing date. Crop & Pasture Science, 2011, 62, 1056-1066.
  • Gaynor L.G., Lawn R.J., and James A.T. (2012) Agronomic studies on irrigated soybean in southern New South Wales. II. Broadening options for sowing date. Crop & Pasture Science, 2011, 62, 1067-1077.
  • Geraghty P.T., Jones A.S., Stewart J., Macbeth W.G. (2012) Micro-computed tomography: an alternative method for shark ageing. Journal of Fish Biology. 80(5 Special Issue SI):1292-1299.
  • Ghosn, D., Collins, D., Baiada, D., and Steffe, A., 2012. Catch per unit effort and size composition of striped marlin caught by recreational fisheries in southeast Australian waters. Fisheries Research Report Series. 30. ISSN 1837-2120
  • Gillespie, P.S. (2012) A review of the whitefly genus Aleurocanthus Quaintance & Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Australia. Zootaxa. 3252. 1-42.
  • Gillson J., Suthers I., Scandol J. (2012) Effects of flood and drought events on multi-species, multi-method estuarine and coastal fisheries in eastern Australia. Fisheries Management & Ecology. 19(1):54-68. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2011.00816.x
  • Golding, J.B. and Jobling, J.J. (2012) Apples. In ‘Crop Post-Harvest: Science and Technology. Perishables.' Ed Debbie Rees, Graham Farrell and John Orchard. pp88-107. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-0-062-05725.
  • Gonsalves, L., Law, B., Webb, C.E., Monamy, V. and Brian Bicknell, B. (2012) Are mosquitoes important to the diet of bats? Implications for mosquito-borne disease management. 11th Arbovirus Research in Australia and the 10th Mosquito Control Association of Australia Symposium on the 9 – 14 September 2012 in Surfers Paradise, Queensland.
  • Gourley, C.J.P., Dougherty, W.J., Weaver, D.M., Aarons, S.R., Awty, I.M., Gibson, D.M., Hannah, M.C., Smith, A.P., Peverill, K.I., (2012) Farm-scale nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur balances and use efficiencies on Australian dairy farms. Animal Production Science. 52(10):929-944.
  • Gulliver C.E., Friend M.A., King B.J., Clayton E.H. (2012) The role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in reproduction of sheep and cattle [Review]. Animal Reproduction Science. 131(1-2):9-22.
  • Guo Y.J., Li G.D. (2012) Nitrogen leaching and phosphorus accumulation in a perennial pasture after composted goat manure was topdressed and incorporated in the Three Gorges region. Journal of Soils & Sediments. 12(5):674-682.
  • Guo Y.J., Li G.D., Hayes R.C., Dear B.S., Price A. (2012). Tolerance of the annual legumes Biserrula pelecinus, Ornithopus sativa, Trifolium spumosum, T. vesiculosum and T. subterraneum to soil acidity. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 55, 1-14.
  • Ha M., Bekhit A.E.A., Carne A., Hopkins D.L., (2012) Characterisation of commercial papain, bromelain, actinidin and zingibain protease preparations and their activities toward meat proteins. Food Chemistry. 134(1):95-105.
  • Hadfield, J., Thomas, J.E., Schwinghamer, M.W., Kraberger, S., Stainton, D., Dayaram, A., Parry, J.N., Pande, D., Martin, D.P., and Varsani, A. (2012) Molecular characterisation of dicot-infecting mastreviruses from Australia. Virus Res. 166:13-22.
  • Hall K.C., Broadhurst M.K., Butcher P.A. (2012) Post-release mortality of angled golden perch Macquaria ambigua and Murray cod Maccullochella peelii. Fisheries Management & Ecology. 19(1):10-21.
  • Hartley E., Gemell G., and Deaker R., (2012) Some factors that contribute to poor survival of rhizobia on preinoculated legume seed. Crop & Pasture Science
  • Hayes, R.C., Newell, M.T., DeHaan, L.R., Murphy, K.M., Crane, S., Norton, M.R., Wade, L.J., Newberry, M., Fahim, M., Jones, S.S., Cox, T.S., Larkin, P.J. (2012) Perennial cereal crops: an initial evaluation of wheat derivatives. Field Crops Research. 133, 68-89.
  • Haynes, F.E.M., Greenwood, P.G., McDonagh, M.B. and Oddy V.H. (2012) Myostatin allelic status interacts with level of nutrition to affect growth, composition and myofibre characteristics of lambs. Journal of Animal Science Vol. 90, no. 2, pp456-465. (Feb 2012 - early published Sept 2011)
  • Henry B., Charmley E., Eckard R., Gaughan J.B., Hegarty R., (2012) Livestock production in a changing climate: adaptation and mitigation research in Australia. Crop & Pasture Science. 63(3 Special Issue SI):191-202.
  • Hosking, J.R.; Sheppard, A.W.; Sagliocco, J.-L. (2012). Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - broom, Scotch broom or English broom. Biological control of weeds in Australia. Julien, M., McFadyen, R. and Cullen, J. (eds) CSIRO publishing: Collingwood. pp. 203-210.
  • Hosking, J.R. (2012). Opuntia spp. Biological control of weeds in Australia. Julien, M., McFadyen, R. and Cullen, J. (eds) CSIRO publishing: Collingwood. pp. 431-436.
  • Hughes, J.M., Stewart, J., Gillanders, B.M. and Suthers, I.M. (2012) An examination of the population structure of the eastern Australian salmon, Arripis trutta stock in southeastern Australia. American Fisheries Society Symposium 76.
  • Hulugalle N.R., Weaver T.B., Finlay L.A., (2012) Carbon inputs by wheat and vetch roots to an irrigated Vertosol. Soil Research. 50(3):177-187.
  • Hulugalle, N.R.; Finlay, L.A.; Weaver, T.B. (2012) An integrated mechanical and chemical method for managing prostrate cover crops on permanent beds. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 27: 2, 148-156.
  • Ives, M.C. (2012), BIOMAS: a bio-economic modelling and assessment system for fisheries management strategy evaluation. Ecological Modelling (submitted)
  • Izzo M.M., Kirkland P.D., Gu X., Lele Y., Gunn A.A. and House J.K. (2012) “Comparison of three diagnostic techniques for detection of rotavirus and coronavirus in calf faeces in Australia”. Australian Veterinary Journal. 90(4):122-129.
  • James R.A., Blake C., Zwart A.B., Hare R.A., Rathjen A.J., Munns R., Z (2012) Impact of ancestral wheat sodium exclusion genes Nax1 and Nax2 on grain yield of durum wheat on saline soils. Functional Plant Biology. 39(7):609-618, 2012.
  • James, D., Orre, S., Reynolds, O. & Simpson, M. (2012) Employing chemical ecology to understand and exploit biodiversity for pest management. In ‘Biodiversity and insect pests: key issues for sustainable management’ (Eds. Geoff M Gurr, Steve D Wratten & Bill E Snyder) Wiley Blackwell. pp 185-195.
  • Jenkins, C, Chapman, TA, Micallef, JL & Reynolds, OL. 2012. Molecular techniques for the detection and differentiation of host and parasitoid species and the implications for fruit fly management. Insects, 3, 763-788.
  • Jordan D., Kirkland P., Morris S. and Coilparampil R. (2012) Describing the within laboratory and between laboratory agreement of a serum ELISA in a national laboratory network. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 104(3-4):240-248.
  • Jordan, D., Sentance, C.B., Spooncer, W.F., Balan, J.A., Morris, S.M. (2012) Inspection of lymph nodes for caseous lymphadenitis and its effect on the density of microbes on sheep carcasses. Meat Science 92, (4): 837-840.
  • Josephine, S.Y.N., Eastwood, K., Walker, B., Durrheim, D.N., Massey, P.D., Porigneaux, P., Kemp, R., McKinnon, B., Laurie, K., Miller, D., Bramley, E. (2012) Evidence of Cryptosporidium transmission between cattle and humans in northern New South Wales. Experimental Parasitology. 130(4):437-441.
  • Juste, R.A., Eppleston, J., Whittington, R., Jones, S., Britton, A., (2003) in Juste, R. A. (Ed) Efficacy of a killed Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis vaccine for the control of OJD in Australian sheep flocks. Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Bilbao, Spain, 11-14 June 2002; 2003. 420-423.
  • Keen, B., Slavich, P. (2012) Comparison of irrigation scheduling strategies for achieving water use efficiency in highbush blueberry. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 40, (1): 3-20.
  • Khairo, S., Hertel, K., McNee, T., Jenkins, L. Brooke, G. and McCaffery, D. (2012) Farm Enterprise Budgets 2011 - Winter Crops for Central NSW, NSW DPI, Trangie. Available at
  • Khairo, S and Hacker, R. (2012) Net benefits from alternative feral goat management strategies in the western NSW rangelands, Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the 56th Australian Agricultural Resource and Economic Society Annual Conference, Freemantle, WA, Feb 7-10, 2012.
  • Khusro, M., Andrew, N.R. and Nicholas, A. (2012) Insects as poultry feed: a scoping study for poultry production systems in Australia. World's Poultry Science Journal Vol 68(3). 435-446.
  • Kilgour, R.J., Uetake, K., Ishiwata, T., Melville, G.J., (2012) The behaviour of beef cattle at pasture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 138(1-2):12-17.
  • King J.S., Brown G.K., Jenkins D.J., Ellis J.T., Fleming P.J.S., Windsor P.A., Slapeta J., (2012) Oocysts and high seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in dogs living in remote Aboriginal communities and wild dogs in Australia. Veterinary Parasitology. 187(1-2):85-92.
  • Knight, J.T., Arthington, A.H., Holder, G.S., Talbot, R.B., (2012) Conservation biology and management of the endangered Oxleyan pygmy perch Nannoperca oxleyana in Australia. Journal of Endangered Species Research 17, 169-178. [available online: doi:10.3354/esr00414]
  • Leur, J. van, McCorkell, B., Aftab, M., Safaa Kumari (2012) Use of tissue blot immunoassay and sequential sampling to determine pea seed-borne mosaic virus seed-to-plant transmission rates. Seed Info. 2012. 42, 15-19.
  • Levot G. (2012) Unstable pyrethroid resistance in sheep body lice Bovicola ovis (Schrank), (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) and its implications for lice control on sheep. Veterinary Parasitology. 185(2-4):274-278.
  • Levot, G.W. (2012) Laboratory assessment of coumaphos as a potential alternative to fipronil for use in small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera:Nitidulidae) refuge traps. General and Applied Entomology 38: 9-12.
  • Lowry M., Folpp H., Gregson M., Suthers I., (2012) Comparison of baited remote underwater video (BRUV) and underwater visual census (UVC) for assessment of artificial reefs in estuaries. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology. 416:243-253.
  • Luo, Q and Kathuria, A. (2012): Modelling the Response of Wheat Grain Yield to Climate Change: A Sensitivity Analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-012-0655-5.
  • Malcolm HA, Foulsham E, Pressey RL, Jordan A, Davies PL, Ingleton T, Johnstone N, Hessey S and Smith SDA (2012) Selecting zones in a marine park: Early systematic planning improves cost-efficiency; combining habitat and biotic data improves effectiveness. Ocean & Coastal Management 54(1): 1–12.
  • Marsh IB, Plain KM, Galea F, Waldron AM, Whittington AM and Whittington RJ (2012) New and improved direct faecal PCR test for Johne's disease. Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Sydney, Australia, 5-10 February 2012; 15-16.
  • Martin, S.J.; Wilson, C.A.; Moses, M.J.; Ven, R. van de; Hopkins, D.L. (2012) Variation in Merino wethers for growth and carcase traits. Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics (AAABG), University of Western Australia, Perth, W.A., Australia, 19-21 July, 2011. Breeding objectives: a new paradigm. Breeding objectives: a new paradigm. 474-477.
  • McFadyen L., Robertson D., Sedgley M., Kristiansen P., Olesen T., (2012) Effects of the ethylene inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) on fruit abscission and yield on pruned and unpruned macadamia trees. Scientia Horticulturae. 137:125-130.
  • McFadyen L., Robertson D., Sedgley M., Kristiansen P., Olesen T., (2012) Time of pruning affects fruit abscission, stem carbohydrates and yield of macadamia. Functional Plant Biology. 39(6):481-492.
  • McIntosh, S., Vancov, T., Palmer, J., and Spain, M. (2012). "Ethanol production from Eucalyptus plantation thinnings." Bioresource Technology, 110: 264-272.
  • McKenzie, R.D., and Montgomery, S.S., (2012) A preliminary survey of pipis (Donax deltoids) on the New South Wales South Coast. Fisheries Research Report Series. 29, ISSN 1837-2120.
  • McPhee M.J., Harden S., Robinson D.L., Dicker R.W., Oddy V.H. (2012) Effects of backgrounding and finishing growth rates on P8 fat and intramuscular fat in Bos taurus steers. Animal Production Science. 52(5):354-364.
  • Mensah, R.K.; Austin, L. (2012) Microbial control of cotton pests. Part I: Use of the naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungus Aspergillus sp. (BC 639) in the management of Creontiades dilutus (Stal) (Hemiptera: Miridae) and beneficial insects on transgenic cotton crops. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 22:5, 567-582.
  • Miller, M.E., and Stewart, J. (2012) Reproductive Characteristics of the ocean leatherjacket, Nelusetta ayraudi. Reviews of Fish Biology and Fisheries.
  • Mo, J. and Stevens, M.M. (2012) Vertical and horizontal movements of Fuller’s rose weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Australian citrus groves. Entomological Science
  • Mohler VL, Heithoff DM, Mahan MJ, Hornitzky MA, Thomson PC and House JK. (2012) Development of a novel in-water vaccination protocol for DNA adenine methylase deficient Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium vaccine in adult sheep. Vaccine. 30: 8, 1481-1491.
  • Montgomery S.S., Barchia I. and Walsh C.T. (2012) Estimating rates of mortality in stocks of Metapenaeus macleayi in estuaries of eastern Australia. Fisheries Research 113, 55-67.
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