Biosecurity for organic grain farmers


Biosecurity is about the protection of the economy, environment and community, which could be harmed by the introduction of new pests.

Australia’s geographic isolation means we have relatively few of the pests that affect plant industries overseas. Freedom from these exotic pests is an important part of the future profitability and sustainability of Australia’s plant industries. Biosecurity allows us to preserve existing trade opportunities and provide evidence to support new market negotiations.

Biosecurity is a national priority, implemented off-shore, at the border and on the farm. Implementation of on-farm biosecurity underpins regional biosecurity, which in turn underpins national biosecurity.

Topics include:

  • Biosecurity planning on organic farms
  • Pest detection and management
  • Product management
  • People and biosecurity
  • Equipment and vehicles
  • Feed and livestock


Primefact 1302 First Edition

Published: 01 May 2013